The Foster Care Institute Library of Online Training Webinars
At last! Foster Parent Training you can receive in the comfort of your own home. Dr. John DeGarmo, leading foster care expert, shares some of his own experience, as well as tips and strategies, designed to help you become a stronger foster parent. Each webinar is worth One Hour credit. Plus, printable access to all certificates for each webinar, 17 downloadable eBooks, and more.
Now, foster parents can gain Unlimited Access to OVER 80 Hours of training webinars for only $49.95. That's less than .63 cents per webinar! The Foster Care Institute Library of Online Training Webinars |
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***NEW***Accountability vs. Accusations-Teaching Foster Children the Importance of Responsibility
This training webinar examines the difference of accountability vs. accusations, the importance of teaching children in foster care personal accountability and provides tips and strategies on how to help children in foster care become accountable for their choices and decisions.
ADHD Part I: Understanding Anxiety Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
This training webinar examines what ADHD is, what the signs and symptoms look like, and how it affects children and youth.
ADHD Part II: Addressing and Treating the Disorder
This training webinar examines how to best address and treat children and youth who are diagnosed with ADHD.
Aging Out of the Foster Care System Part I: Foster Children in Peril
This training webinar examines the dangers foster youth face when aging out.
Aging Out of Foster Care Part II: How to Prepare for Life after Care
This training webinar examines how foster parents and non foster parents can help youth when they age out of foster care.
Anger Management: How to Parent a Child with Anger Challenges
This training webinar examines the variety of reasons why children experience anger and how to best manage this behavior.
Anxieties and Disorders
This training webinar examines the various anxieties and disorders that children in foster care may suffer from, and offers strategies and tips designed to best help children and the families that care for them.
Attachment and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines why children and youth in foster care may struggle with issues of attachment and offers strategies designed to best help those who have attachment disorders.
Autism: What you Need to Know
This training webinar examines what Autism is, how to recognize the signs, and how to best treat the disorder.
Bedwetting: Understanding the Condition and How to Best Address it
This training webinar examines the many possible causes of bedwetting, for all children, and offers tips and strategies designed to best address it.
Birth Children and Adoptive/Foster Children: Living Together in the Same House
This training webinar examines how foster parents can help their own biological children as they care for adoptive/foster children in the same home.
Birth Parents and You: Working with Biological Family Members
This training webinar examines how foster parents can develop a healthy relationship with birth parents and biological family members of a child in foster care.
***NEW***Building Self Esteem in Children and Youth
This training webinar examines why children and youth in foster care ma experience low self esteem and how others can help to build self esteem in children and youth in crisis.
Bullying and Children in Foster Care Part I: Recognizing the Signs and Dangers
This training webinar examines the various forms of bullying, why children in foster care might be especially vulnerable to bullying, and what might cause one to bully others.
Bullying and Children in Foster Care Part II: Protecting Children from Bullying
This training webinar examines how foster parents and care takers can protect children from bullying, and offers solutions and strategies to do so.
Burnout and Stress in Foster Care
This training webinar examines how foster parents can help their own biological children as they care for adoptive/foster children in the same home.
Case Workers and Foster Parents: Working Together
This training webinar examines how case workers and foster parents can partner together to help children in need placed in foster home.
NOTE: This is the version for Case Workers.
Case Workers and Foster Parents: Working Together
This training webinar examines how case workers and foster parents can partner together to help children in need placed in foster home.
NOTE: This is the version for Foster Parents.
Child Development Part I
This training webinar examines the normal stages of child development, and how children in foster care might develop at a different rate due to their unique challenges..
Child Development Part II
This training webinar examines the normal stages of child development, and how children in foster care might develop at a different rate due to their unique challenges.
Child Sex Trafficking and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the dangers and realities of child sex trafficking, how it impacts children in foster care, and how to take steps to recognize and prevent it.
Compassion Fatigue
This training webinar examines the realities of Compassion Fatigue, or Secondary Traumatic Stress, for foster parents, and offers solutions to best treat this form of stress.
Discipline and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines how to best address issues of discipline for a child placed in foster care.
Eating Disorders and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the challenges that eating disorders pose for children and offers solutions to best treat this disorder.
Emphatic Listening
This training webinar examines what Emphatic Listening is and how how it can help those who care for children in foster care. Participants will increase their awareness of emphatic listening and how to best use it for children in care.
Establishing Trust with Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines why children and youth in foster care may have issues of trust, and provides strategies on how to best help children with these issues.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Part I: Understanding the Disorder
This training webinar examines what FASD is, and how it affects children and the families that care for them.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Part II: Helping Children with the Disorder
This training webinar examines how to best help children with FASD.
Fire Starting: Children Who Play with Fire and how to Address it
This training webinar examines the variety of reasons why children might play or start fires, and offers strategies designed to best address this danger.
Foster Children and the Dangers of Online Technology
This training webinar examines the many dangers that children in foster care, as well as the foster parents, face with online technology and social networking, and offers tips on how to combat these dangers.
Grief and Loss for Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the feelings of grief and loss that children face while in foster care, how to recognize the signs, and how to gain strategies designed to best help children in foster care who experience these feelings.
Helping Children with Anxieties and Disorders
This training webinar examines the various anxieties and disorders that children in foster care may suffer from, and offers strategies and tips designed to best help children and the families that care for them.
Helping Foster Children in School: Teachers and Foster Parents Working Together
This training webinar examines how teachers can help children in foster care succeed in school, and how foster parents can best partner with teachers while a child is in school.
The Holidays: A Time of Joy and Sadness
This training webinar examines how the holiday season can be a time of both joy and sadness for youth in foster care.
Home Safety and Foster Parents
This training webinar examines how foster parents can best keep their house and home safe in all areas while caring for children in need.
The Importance of Documentation for Foster Parents
This training webinar examines the great importance of why foster parents need to document and record information when caring for children in care, and how to best do so.
***NEW***Illness Anxiety
This training webinar examines what Illness Anxiety is, how to recognize the signs and symptoms, and provides tips and strategies on how to help children who suffer from Illness Anxiety.
Just For Dads
This training webinar examines the specific expectations and responsibilities that foster fathers face on a daily basis.
Kinship Care
This training webinar examines what Kinship Care is, and the many benefits and challenges that Kinship Care brings for children and families.
Knowing the Terms you Need to Know
This minute training webinar examines the many terms and definitions you need to know as you care for children in foster care.
Lice! Prevention and Treatment
This training webinar examines the causes of Lice and how to best prevent and treat the skin condition.
Life books and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines why Lifebooks are important for children in foster care, and how to design the best one.
Loss and Grief in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the emotions of loss and grief that Foster Parents face.
Managing Stress for Foster Parents
This training webinar examines why foster parents might experience stress, what the causes, signs, and symptoms of stress are, and how to best manage stress when caring for children in crisis.
Mandated Reporting
This training webinar examines who is a mandated reporter, and when and how to file a reporter.
Marriage and Foster Parenting Part I: The Challenges Marriages Face
This training webinar examines the challenges and stress that married couples face while foster parenting.
Marriage and Foster Parenting Part II: Making it Work
This training webinar offers strategies designed to help married couples strengthen their marriage while foster parenting.
***NEW***Mental Health Issues and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the mental health crisis and issues that children in foster care face, and how to best address it.
***NEW***Non Compliance and Defiance
This training webinar examines why children might be Non Compliance and Defiant, how to recognize the signs, and how to gain strategies designed to best help children in foster care who are non compliant.
Normalcy and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines what "Normalcy" means for children in foster care, and how to implement day to day opportunities for children in care to lead a "normal" lifestyle.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
This training webinar examines the causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), how to recognize the signs, and how to gain strategies designed to best help children in foster care who suffer from ODD.
Parenting Troubled Teens
This training webinar examines why teens might be troubled, and offers strategies on how to best parent troubled teens.
Placement: How to Prepare for your Foster Child
This training webinar offers strategies and tips designed to help make the first few days a child is placed into your home a little easier for both the child and the family.
Positive Parenting Solutions
This training webinar examines what Positive Parenting is and how it can be used to best help with acts of misbehavior by children.
Post Adoption Depression Syndrome
This training webinar examines what Post Adoption Depression Syndrome is and how to best address it.
The Power of Prayer for Foster Parents
This training webinar examines how prayer can be used for today's foster parents.
Protecting Yourself as a Foster Parent
This training webinar examines how to best protect yourself and your family against false allegations and accusations.
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines what Reactive Attachment Disorder is, and solutions on how to best address it.
Respite Care: How Respite Parents can Help Foster Families
This training webinar examines how respite care can benefit all involved in foster care.
Rights and Responsibilities of Foster Parents
This training webinar examines the rights and responsibilities that foster parents have.
Rights of Children and Youth in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the rights that children and youth in foster care have.
Running Away from Home: How to Prevent and to Respond
This training webinar examines why children might run away, and provides solutions on how to best prevent it from happening, and how to respond when it does happen.
Saying Goodbye to Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines to to best prepare to say goodbye to a child transitioning out of a foster care home, and how to best address the many emotions that may accompany this transition.
Schools and Foster Children Part I: The Challenges Children in Care Face
This training webinar examines the challenges that children in foster care face in school each day.
Schools and Foster Children Part II: How Parents Can Help
This training webinar focuses on solutions and strategies that foster parents and teachers can use when helping foster children in school.
Self Harm and Self Injury in Children
This training webinar examines the what self harm and self injury is in children and how to best address it.
Sexual Predators and Sexting in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the danger of Sexual Predators and Sexting that threaten foster children and foster parents.
Sleep Anxieties and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines why sleep anxiety might be a challenge for children in foster care and how to best address it.
Transracial Parenting Part I: Caring for Children in Care of Different Cultures and Race
This training webinar examines what transracial parenting is for children in foster care and how to best address the challenges involved.
Transracial Parenting Part II: Caring for Bilingual Children in Care
This training webinar examines how to best care for children who have different native languages than their foster families, and how to become a bilingual family.
Trauma and Stress for those Involved in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the various forms of trauma that foster children, foster parents, and birth parents often experience.
Trauma Informed Parenting I: Understanding What Trauma Is
This webinar examines what Trauma Informed Parenting is, and why it is important for foster parents as they care for children suffering with trauma while placed in their homes.
Trauma Informed Parenting II: How to be a Trauma Informed Parent
This webinar examines how to be a Trauma Informed Parent, and gives strategies and tips designed to care for children in a trauma informed way.
Understanding and Responding to Neglect upon Children
This training webinar examines what neglect is, how it affects children, and how to best address it.
Visitations and Your Children in Foster Care
This training webinar focuses upon the role of visitations for children in foster care, and the importance of it.
What if He is Not Adopted: How you can Help a Youth Find Success and Empower Him for the Future After Aging Out
This training webinar examines the challenges that youth face when aging out if not adopted, and how society can best help them succeed.
Why Children Bite and How to Respond
This online training webinar offers strategies and tips designed to help foster parents better understand why a child bites and how to best address it.
Why Children Lie and How to Best Address it.
This training webinar examines why children might lie and how to best address it.
Why Children Steal and How to Best Address it
This online training webinar offers strategies and tips designed to help foster parents better understand why a child steals and how to best address it.
Now, foster parents can gain a One Year UNLIMITED Access to ALL webinars for the incredibly low price of only $49.95.
This training webinar examines the difference of accountability vs. accusations, the importance of teaching children in foster care personal accountability and provides tips and strategies on how to help children in foster care become accountable for their choices and decisions.
ADHD Part I: Understanding Anxiety Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
This training webinar examines what ADHD is, what the signs and symptoms look like, and how it affects children and youth.
ADHD Part II: Addressing and Treating the Disorder
This training webinar examines how to best address and treat children and youth who are diagnosed with ADHD.
Aging Out of the Foster Care System Part I: Foster Children in Peril
This training webinar examines the dangers foster youth face when aging out.
Aging Out of Foster Care Part II: How to Prepare for Life after Care
This training webinar examines how foster parents and non foster parents can help youth when they age out of foster care.
Anger Management: How to Parent a Child with Anger Challenges
This training webinar examines the variety of reasons why children experience anger and how to best manage this behavior.
Anxieties and Disorders
This training webinar examines the various anxieties and disorders that children in foster care may suffer from, and offers strategies and tips designed to best help children and the families that care for them.
Attachment and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines why children and youth in foster care may struggle with issues of attachment and offers strategies designed to best help those who have attachment disorders.
Autism: What you Need to Know
This training webinar examines what Autism is, how to recognize the signs, and how to best treat the disorder.
Bedwetting: Understanding the Condition and How to Best Address it
This training webinar examines the many possible causes of bedwetting, for all children, and offers tips and strategies designed to best address it.
Birth Children and Adoptive/Foster Children: Living Together in the Same House
This training webinar examines how foster parents can help their own biological children as they care for adoptive/foster children in the same home.
Birth Parents and You: Working with Biological Family Members
This training webinar examines how foster parents can develop a healthy relationship with birth parents and biological family members of a child in foster care.
***NEW***Building Self Esteem in Children and Youth
This training webinar examines why children and youth in foster care ma experience low self esteem and how others can help to build self esteem in children and youth in crisis.
Bullying and Children in Foster Care Part I: Recognizing the Signs and Dangers
This training webinar examines the various forms of bullying, why children in foster care might be especially vulnerable to bullying, and what might cause one to bully others.
Bullying and Children in Foster Care Part II: Protecting Children from Bullying
This training webinar examines how foster parents and care takers can protect children from bullying, and offers solutions and strategies to do so.
Burnout and Stress in Foster Care
This training webinar examines how foster parents can help their own biological children as they care for adoptive/foster children in the same home.
Case Workers and Foster Parents: Working Together
This training webinar examines how case workers and foster parents can partner together to help children in need placed in foster home.
NOTE: This is the version for Case Workers.
Case Workers and Foster Parents: Working Together
This training webinar examines how case workers and foster parents can partner together to help children in need placed in foster home.
NOTE: This is the version for Foster Parents.
Child Development Part I
This training webinar examines the normal stages of child development, and how children in foster care might develop at a different rate due to their unique challenges..
Child Development Part II
This training webinar examines the normal stages of child development, and how children in foster care might develop at a different rate due to their unique challenges.
Child Sex Trafficking and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the dangers and realities of child sex trafficking, how it impacts children in foster care, and how to take steps to recognize and prevent it.
Compassion Fatigue
This training webinar examines the realities of Compassion Fatigue, or Secondary Traumatic Stress, for foster parents, and offers solutions to best treat this form of stress.
Discipline and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines how to best address issues of discipline for a child placed in foster care.
Eating Disorders and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the challenges that eating disorders pose for children and offers solutions to best treat this disorder.
Emphatic Listening
This training webinar examines what Emphatic Listening is and how how it can help those who care for children in foster care. Participants will increase their awareness of emphatic listening and how to best use it for children in care.
Establishing Trust with Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines why children and youth in foster care may have issues of trust, and provides strategies on how to best help children with these issues.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Part I: Understanding the Disorder
This training webinar examines what FASD is, and how it affects children and the families that care for them.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Part II: Helping Children with the Disorder
This training webinar examines how to best help children with FASD.
Fire Starting: Children Who Play with Fire and how to Address it
This training webinar examines the variety of reasons why children might play or start fires, and offers strategies designed to best address this danger.
Foster Children and the Dangers of Online Technology
This training webinar examines the many dangers that children in foster care, as well as the foster parents, face with online technology and social networking, and offers tips on how to combat these dangers.
Grief and Loss for Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the feelings of grief and loss that children face while in foster care, how to recognize the signs, and how to gain strategies designed to best help children in foster care who experience these feelings.
Helping Children with Anxieties and Disorders
This training webinar examines the various anxieties and disorders that children in foster care may suffer from, and offers strategies and tips designed to best help children and the families that care for them.
Helping Foster Children in School: Teachers and Foster Parents Working Together
This training webinar examines how teachers can help children in foster care succeed in school, and how foster parents can best partner with teachers while a child is in school.
The Holidays: A Time of Joy and Sadness
This training webinar examines how the holiday season can be a time of both joy and sadness for youth in foster care.
Home Safety and Foster Parents
This training webinar examines how foster parents can best keep their house and home safe in all areas while caring for children in need.
The Importance of Documentation for Foster Parents
This training webinar examines the great importance of why foster parents need to document and record information when caring for children in care, and how to best do so.
***NEW***Illness Anxiety
This training webinar examines what Illness Anxiety is, how to recognize the signs and symptoms, and provides tips and strategies on how to help children who suffer from Illness Anxiety.
Just For Dads
This training webinar examines the specific expectations and responsibilities that foster fathers face on a daily basis.
Kinship Care
This training webinar examines what Kinship Care is, and the many benefits and challenges that Kinship Care brings for children and families.
Knowing the Terms you Need to Know
This minute training webinar examines the many terms and definitions you need to know as you care for children in foster care.
Lice! Prevention and Treatment
This training webinar examines the causes of Lice and how to best prevent and treat the skin condition.
Life books and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines why Lifebooks are important for children in foster care, and how to design the best one.
Loss and Grief in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the emotions of loss and grief that Foster Parents face.
Managing Stress for Foster Parents
This training webinar examines why foster parents might experience stress, what the causes, signs, and symptoms of stress are, and how to best manage stress when caring for children in crisis.
Mandated Reporting
This training webinar examines who is a mandated reporter, and when and how to file a reporter.
Marriage and Foster Parenting Part I: The Challenges Marriages Face
This training webinar examines the challenges and stress that married couples face while foster parenting.
Marriage and Foster Parenting Part II: Making it Work
This training webinar offers strategies designed to help married couples strengthen their marriage while foster parenting.
***NEW***Mental Health Issues and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the mental health crisis and issues that children in foster care face, and how to best address it.
***NEW***Non Compliance and Defiance
This training webinar examines why children might be Non Compliance and Defiant, how to recognize the signs, and how to gain strategies designed to best help children in foster care who are non compliant.
Normalcy and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines what "Normalcy" means for children in foster care, and how to implement day to day opportunities for children in care to lead a "normal" lifestyle.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
This training webinar examines the causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), how to recognize the signs, and how to gain strategies designed to best help children in foster care who suffer from ODD.
Parenting Troubled Teens
This training webinar examines why teens might be troubled, and offers strategies on how to best parent troubled teens.
Placement: How to Prepare for your Foster Child
This training webinar offers strategies and tips designed to help make the first few days a child is placed into your home a little easier for both the child and the family.
Positive Parenting Solutions
This training webinar examines what Positive Parenting is and how it can be used to best help with acts of misbehavior by children.
Post Adoption Depression Syndrome
This training webinar examines what Post Adoption Depression Syndrome is and how to best address it.
The Power of Prayer for Foster Parents
This training webinar examines how prayer can be used for today's foster parents.
Protecting Yourself as a Foster Parent
This training webinar examines how to best protect yourself and your family against false allegations and accusations.
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines what Reactive Attachment Disorder is, and solutions on how to best address it.
Respite Care: How Respite Parents can Help Foster Families
This training webinar examines how respite care can benefit all involved in foster care.
Rights and Responsibilities of Foster Parents
This training webinar examines the rights and responsibilities that foster parents have.
Rights of Children and Youth in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the rights that children and youth in foster care have.
Running Away from Home: How to Prevent and to Respond
This training webinar examines why children might run away, and provides solutions on how to best prevent it from happening, and how to respond when it does happen.
Saying Goodbye to Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines to to best prepare to say goodbye to a child transitioning out of a foster care home, and how to best address the many emotions that may accompany this transition.
Schools and Foster Children Part I: The Challenges Children in Care Face
This training webinar examines the challenges that children in foster care face in school each day.
Schools and Foster Children Part II: How Parents Can Help
This training webinar focuses on solutions and strategies that foster parents and teachers can use when helping foster children in school.
Self Harm and Self Injury in Children
This training webinar examines the what self harm and self injury is in children and how to best address it.
Sexual Predators and Sexting in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the danger of Sexual Predators and Sexting that threaten foster children and foster parents.
Sleep Anxieties and Children in Foster Care
This training webinar examines why sleep anxiety might be a challenge for children in foster care and how to best address it.
Transracial Parenting Part I: Caring for Children in Care of Different Cultures and Race
This training webinar examines what transracial parenting is for children in foster care and how to best address the challenges involved.
Transracial Parenting Part II: Caring for Bilingual Children in Care
This training webinar examines how to best care for children who have different native languages than their foster families, and how to become a bilingual family.
Trauma and Stress for those Involved in Foster Care
This training webinar examines the various forms of trauma that foster children, foster parents, and birth parents often experience.
Trauma Informed Parenting I: Understanding What Trauma Is
This webinar examines what Trauma Informed Parenting is, and why it is important for foster parents as they care for children suffering with trauma while placed in their homes.
Trauma Informed Parenting II: How to be a Trauma Informed Parent
This webinar examines how to be a Trauma Informed Parent, and gives strategies and tips designed to care for children in a trauma informed way.
Understanding and Responding to Neglect upon Children
This training webinar examines what neglect is, how it affects children, and how to best address it.
Visitations and Your Children in Foster Care
This training webinar focuses upon the role of visitations for children in foster care, and the importance of it.
What if He is Not Adopted: How you can Help a Youth Find Success and Empower Him for the Future After Aging Out
This training webinar examines the challenges that youth face when aging out if not adopted, and how society can best help them succeed.
Why Children Bite and How to Respond
This online training webinar offers strategies and tips designed to help foster parents better understand why a child bites and how to best address it.
Why Children Lie and How to Best Address it.
This training webinar examines why children might lie and how to best address it.
Why Children Steal and How to Best Address it
This online training webinar offers strategies and tips designed to help foster parents better understand why a child steals and how to best address it.
Now, foster parents can gain a One Year UNLIMITED Access to ALL webinars for the incredibly low price of only $49.95.
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