Writing Proper Documentation Paperwork
As a foster parent, you NEED to properly document everything.
Just as location, location, location are the three most important words for a real estate agent, documentation should ring in the ear of every foster parent. They just might be the three most important words a foster parent needs today. Written documentation can go a long way toward keeping foster parents safe, and even helping protect them from false accusations. Indeed, proper documentation helps to build a credible case and evidence in case your foster home is ever under assessment and investigation. Documentation helps to build a "safety net" around your family, and assists in answering questions related to your foster parenting and foster care home.
Throughout the placement of your child from foster care in your house, it will be necessary for you as a foster parent to keep written records, a journal or some sort of documentation. This written account will help you keep an accurate account of the time your child from foster care lives in your home.Proper documentation should be something that allows you to record information and details of a child’s behavior, emotional status and changes, progress in school in both academics and behavior, medical issues and simply day to day events.
Yet, what does that "everything" look like? How does one document? What is included?
The Foster Parent Documentation book has all documentation information, forms, and much more for your foster parenting needs. This downloadable book includes information that you need.
-What to document
-How to properly document
-How to properly record incidents and accidents
-Printable Contact Sheets
-Printable Medication Logs
-Printable Respite Family Information Sheets
-Printable Accident Report Logs
-Printable Doctor/Medical Visit Forms
-Printable Child Monthly Reports Forms
-Printable School Information Forms
-Printable Visitation Report Forms
-Printable Behavior Incident Report Forms
-Printable Yearly Training and Licensing Logs
-Full and detailed list of Foster Care acronyms
-Foster Care Contact Information for all state departments for the United States.
Now, you can get all the documentation information and forms you must have, plus more, for only $14.95.
This is one book you MUST have in order to protect yourself and your family. Don't delay. Order it now!
Just as location, location, location are the three most important words for a real estate agent, documentation should ring in the ear of every foster parent. They just might be the three most important words a foster parent needs today. Written documentation can go a long way toward keeping foster parents safe, and even helping protect them from false accusations. Indeed, proper documentation helps to build a credible case and evidence in case your foster home is ever under assessment and investigation. Documentation helps to build a "safety net" around your family, and assists in answering questions related to your foster parenting and foster care home.
Throughout the placement of your child from foster care in your house, it will be necessary for you as a foster parent to keep written records, a journal or some sort of documentation. This written account will help you keep an accurate account of the time your child from foster care lives in your home.Proper documentation should be something that allows you to record information and details of a child’s behavior, emotional status and changes, progress in school in both academics and behavior, medical issues and simply day to day events.
Yet, what does that "everything" look like? How does one document? What is included?
The Foster Parent Documentation book has all documentation information, forms, and much more for your foster parenting needs. This downloadable book includes information that you need.
-What to document
-How to properly document
-How to properly record incidents and accidents
-Printable Contact Sheets
-Printable Medication Logs
-Printable Respite Family Information Sheets
-Printable Accident Report Logs
-Printable Doctor/Medical Visit Forms
-Printable Child Monthly Reports Forms
-Printable School Information Forms
-Printable Visitation Report Forms
-Printable Behavior Incident Report Forms
-Printable Yearly Training and Licensing Logs
-Full and detailed list of Foster Care acronyms
-Foster Care Contact Information for all state departments for the United States.
Now, you can get all the documentation information and forms you must have, plus more, for only $14.95.
This is one book you MUST have in order to protect yourself and your family. Don't delay. Order it now!